humble meaning

Humble definition: A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ... She especially wants to give more people from humble backgrounds a chance of climbing the

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Mumble is an open source voice chat application for groups. While it can be used for any kind of activity, it is primarily intended for gaming. It can be compared to programs like Ventrilo or TeamSpea...

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  • A person or a place can be humble, but a person who brags about being humble, or not proud...
    humble - Dictionary Definition :
  • Humble definition: A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better ...
    Humble definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary ...
  • humble meaning, definition, what is humble: not proud or not believing that you are import...
    humble Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
  • To eat humble pie (1830) is from umble pie (1640s), pie made from umbles "edible inne...
    Humble | Define Humble at
  • Humility means “the state of being humble.” Both it and humble have their origin in the La...
    Humble | Definition of Humble by Merriam-Webster
  • Looking for definition of Humble? Humble explanation. Define Humble by Webster's Dicti...
    Humble | Definition of Humble by Webster's Online ...
  • Definition of humble in English: humble adjective 1 Having or showing a modest or low esti...
    humble | Definition of humble in English by Oxford ...
  • humble meaning, definition, what is humble: not considering yourself or your ideas t...: L...
    humble | meaning of humble in Longman Dictionary of ...
  • If you were to meet a humble person, he wouldn't be the kind of person who thinks lowe...
    Urban Dictionary: humble
  • Definition of humble in the Dictionary. Meaning of humble. What does humb...
    What does humble mean? definition, meaning and pronunciation ...